In ancient Jerusalem, the budding of the almond tree was the first sign of spring. Do you ever wonder whether God will keep His promises? Is Jesus really coming back? Join John for special encouragement as he shares some of God's beautiful imagery...
In the United States we pride ourselves that everyone is equal under the law. But that may not always be the reality. So how is justice reflected in biblical truth and the character of God?
What traditions do you celebrate at Easter? Join John as he reflects on some special Easter memories and the need to keep the resurrection of Jesus central.
Baptism is an important subject, and many people have been raised in traditions where babies are baptized. But today John discusses why babies are not baptized at Calvary Church.
One of the continuing controversies within the Christian community is this question: For whom did Christ die? Different views focus on differing points of Scripture. What do you think?
John shares about an interesting book he's been reading on the secular history of death. Medical advances have impacted historical trends, but people still die. So how should we think about death?
Are you familiar with the idea of missions? John reflects on the role and current approach to missions and evangelism after the conclusion of Calvary's weeklong missions conference.
From time to time people suggest de-emphasizing the Old Testament and the wrath of God, and focusing on the New Testament and teaching of Jesus. Is this valid? Join John as he addresses such ideas and our approach to Holy Scripture.
Many people look forward to retirement. But what's the biblical view? Listen as John discusses the biblical considerations and shares what he's been thinking!