Daily Programs

Each day you’re invited to study the Bible with Pastor John Munro during The Verdict’s daily 25-minute broadcast! John offers clear, insightful teaching that will challenge you for a personal response: “What’s your verdict?”Ā  Also available on all major podcast platforms.

Scroll down to browse past programs by series or search to find an episode by keyword.

We are often so burdened by life that we miss out on the wonderful promises of Isaiah 40:28-31, to be renewed, refreshed, and to soar with wings like eagles above the challenges of life. Join us for this special new study as we discover the blessing of a God-centered life.

Only four chapters long, this little letter by the Apostle Paul provides rich and practical teaching on the sufficiency of Jesus Christ, and what it means to mature in our faith.

The Seven Deadly Sins

In todayā€™s society, ā€œsinā€ seems like an outdated, judgmental concept. Do we really need to worry about such a negative idea? Listen as John offers a fresh perspective on this key subject. What does Scripture say about the origin and impact of sin? Does sin still matter?

Following Jesus Christ doesn't mean that we know or understand everything. In fact, there are questions which we may hear from others or ask ourselves that may seem to challenge our faith. What does the Bible say on these matters?

The Parables of Jesus

Jesus often taught using parablesā€“stories from everyday life which communicate spiritual truths. But we can read these stories and still miss the point and personal significance. Join our study and take a fresh look at these fascinating parables of Jesus!

Followers of Christ are not to be conformed to the world, but transformed by the Gospel. What difference is the Gospel making in your life? John deals with Paulā€™s closing chapters focusing on practical application.

Is the nation of Israel still important to Godā€™s plan? John deals with less familiar passages in Romans chapters 9-11 as Paul defends the Gospel and assures us of God's faithfulness.

What difference does the Gospel make in the lives of those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ? In Romans chapters 5-8, we are dealing with the impact and benefits of salvation.

Arguably no book has had such a powerful impact in the world as Romans in which the apostle Paul explains the magnificent truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Join us for a detailed study of chapters 1-4 as we seek to better understand the heart of the Gospel.

The Book of Jonah

When you think of Jonah, you may think of his adventure inside the big fish. But the life of this runaway prophet teaches us important truths about God, His purposes, and the attitudes of our hearts.

Receive clarity on some of our cultureā€™s most confusing topics by studying the teaching of Jesus on marriage, sexuality, and gender. Are these matters of personal preference? What are the biblical principles, and why do they matter?

During the time of Jeremiah, the nation of Israel abandoned the one true God, and in many ways our society has done the same. Listen and learn how Jeremiahā€™s message of repentance and judgment is one we need to hear, but Godā€™s mercy and compassion are still at work.

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments have influenced every legal code and every civilization. But what role, if any, do they play in our world today? And how should they be regarded by followers of Jesus Christ?

Learn from the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (as presented in the Gospel of Matthew) as He instructs His disciples on the Kingdom of God and what it means to follow Him. Take a fresh look at this timeless and eternal teaching, often misunderstood or taken out of context.

The Book of Ruth

Join us as we study the delightful Old Testament book of Ruth. We'll learn what it means to live by radical faith, trusting God even when the future seems bleak and uncertain, and see the unfolding of a beautiful biblical love story.

The Life of Moses

Moses is one of the most famous characters in the Old Testament, called by God to deliver Israel from Egypt, receive the Ten Commandments, and record the first five books of the Bible. As we study the life of this great man of faith, we will discover what it means to be obedient to the purposes of God, and to trust God for the impossible!

The apostle Paul planted the church at Philippi in ancient Greece, and now Paul is writing to teach themā€”and us--how to live as partners in the Gospel. Join us as we study this joyful epistle, rich in practical Christianity and theology.

The Gospel of Matthew focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah and King of Kings! Learn what it means to follow Jesus, and to be a part of the Kingdom of God.

The Gospel of Matthew focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah and King of Kings! Learn what it means to follow Jesus, and to be a part of the Kingdom of God.

The Gospel of Matthew focuses on the life and ministry of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah and King of Kings! Learn what it means to follow Jesus, and to be a part of the Kingdom of God.

The Gospel of Matthew presents Jesus as the King of kings, the long-awaited Messiah. Focus on the life, ministry, and teaching of Jesus as we understand how to be a part of the Kingdom of God.

There's much more to Daniel than the famous story about the lions' den! Daniel provides a wonderful and relevant example of courageous faith in the midst of a dark and often hostile culture.
