The Gospel of Jesus Christ will completely transform your life. Not only are you reconciled with God and your sins forgiven, but your relationships and your perspective will be forever changed. Pastor John Munro concludes a study in Colossians, with...
Pastor John Munro asks a very important question: What difference does the Gospel make in your life? Because for followers of Jesus Christ, every area of our lives should reflect His Lordship. People should see a difference. Weāre thinking of this...
Some people think that going to church and being kind is what Christian living is all about. But followers of Jesus Christ are meant to live out the Gospel in every area of our lives. Pastor John Munro teaches how prayer and evangelism naturally...
There are some who think that work is punishment! But Pastor John Munro presents the Biblical view of work which may surprise you. Work was given to man by God before the Fall, and presents a privilege and an opportunity to magnify the glory of God.
Do you enjoy your job? Do you approach it with purpose and enthusiasm or is it just a way to pay the bills? Pastor John Munro discusses the role of work, revealing the privilege and opportunities work provides as we live as authentic followers of...
We know that there are no perfect people, and no perfect families. But as we see so much hurt and brokenness in our world today, what does it take to build a happy home? Pastor John Munro shows us how to apply Gospel principles in our homes and...