What will happen in 2025? None of us knows. But followers of Jesus Christ are to keep our eyes on Jesus, listen to His Word, and follow Him obediently. So what does this mean in practice?
No matter where you live, New Year’s Eve is a time of celebration and festivities. Join John as he remembers some interesting New Year’s traditions and shares thoughts on how all of us can approach 2025.
Christmas is supposed to be a time of celebration, a time of joy. But did you ever have a Christmas where everything went wrong? Join John for the story of one exceptional Christmas, and what we can all take away!
As Calvary prepares to dedicate a new building expansion on December 22, John reflects on the role of new buildings and facilities within the church, some of the key considerations, and brings a challenge as to our ultimate focus.
The Christmas season is a time of light. We see lights on Christmas trees, homes, and yards. Even a little light dispels the darkness. Join John and explore this beautiful idea of light as we celebrate the coming of the Light of the world.
Of all people on the face of the earth, followers of Jesus Christ should be the most thankful. And because we have received the generosity of God’s grace, we should be generous. So what does this mean in practice?
It may seem easy to give thanks to God, and sometimes it is. But what about when life is difficult? Is your life characterized by a thankful spirit? Why is this important?
In churches and in life, there is often the desire to want to do our own thing, to rule our own little kingdom, without interference. Where does this impulse come from, and how can it impact our relationships and ministry?
The presidential election is finally over. With its conclusion, we find ourselves in a time of transition that may seem strange after the constant media focus. What are some takeaways for followers of Christ as we go forward?