In any discipline or sport, learning the basics is all-important! Join John as he reflects on three basics of following Christ as we seek to grow in our faith and spiritual maturity.
Many times in Scripture we are commanded to listen. Do you in fact listen carefully during preaching or do you lose focus and daydream? Join John as he shares thoughts about listening and receiving the Word of God.
Authentic followers of Jesus Christ are to be generous. But what are we to think of all the ministry organizations asking for our support? Join John for a biblical reset on the topic of Christian giving.
Recent headlines have drawn attention to the disagreements and divisions that can sometimes fractureĀ family relationships. How should followers of Christ navigate these painful situations?
Birthdays are a great time for reflection, thanksgiving, and looking ahead. Join John as he shares thoughts on his birthday!
So you made a commitment to read your Bible every day this year. But now you're wondering where to start, or struggling to remember or understand what you've read. Join John for some helpful practical tips on how to approach your daily time in God's...
Are you thinking of making any New Year's resolutions? Have you ever considered that followers of Jesus Christ should approach resolutions a little differently? Listen as John shares thoughts about this time-honored tradition.
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Savior and have the unique opportunity to share the Gospel. Yet many would say they already know the facts of Christmas! Join John as he reflects on why Christmas can actually be a challenging time to...
One of the key words of Christmas is hope. Why is that? And why does this hope make a difference in what can seem like a hopeless world? Join John for an encouraging reminder of why the hope of Christmas makes all the difference.