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Latest Daily Episodes

ON-AIR: Trusting God in Tough Times

Be encouraged in difficult times with real answers to real questions, such as “Why does trusting God really matter?”, “How can I overcome my fears and anxieties?” or “How do I deal with grief?”

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Life in the Kingdom

Learn from the teaching of Jesus what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus, and how it will transform your daily life.

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Deadly: Why Sin Still Matters

What do you believe about sin? The concept is often dismissed, but an accurate understanding is necessary to experience the good news of Jesus Christ.

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Avizandum Podcast

Standing Ovations

Apparently, there are more and more standing ovations in our society. Isn’t that interesting? What does this say about us? And what are the implications for clapping and ovations in worship services? Join John for his reflections on this intriguing aspect of human behavior.

The Gathering

Why is the idea of people gathering in person so important to the community of believers? As we celebrate the recent opening of Calvary’s new cafe, The Gathering, John comments on the significance of connecting in person vs. the modern tendency to isolate ourselves.

God’s Mysterious Ways

In the dark times of life, it can be difficult to trust that God is still with us and still for us. Join John as he discusses this this challenging truth and offers personal encouragement from one of his favorite hymns.
